Saturday, February 15, 2020

* (2/15/20) Feb 15 Tournament Submitted

SWFCC - The February 15 tournament has been submitted to the USCF.
Results and player ratings can be found here: 
Photos on Facebook 

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Saturday, February 1, 2020

* (2/1/20) February 1 Tournament Submitted

SWFCC - The February 1 tournament has been submitted to the USCF.
The USCF TD support page is down. In the meantime,
Here are links from WINTD and Chess Register with unofficial ratings.
 Round 3 pairings and the Final Standings

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Saturday, January 18, 2020

* (1/18/20) January 18 Tournament Submitted

SWFCC - The January 18 tournament has been submitted to the USCF.
Results and player ratings can be found here:  
Photos on Facebook: 

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